Saturday, December 26, 2009

merry kissmas!

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Merry kissmass everyone! This year we spent Kissmas with at our cousin moby’s and got lots of prezzies. Here is a pic of Moby.


He’s a funny one. Always trying to check my id (aka bum sniff). But I’m too quick for him!!

Here is a pic of me getting all excited about opening gifts. Daddy is holding me back. Don't worry I broke away from him.


Grandma and Grandpa always know exactly what I want. Balls!! Hampton was a bit greedy (always is) but he’s still learning. This is a pic of him eyeing my prezzie. He wishes!


Ok, that's all from me today. I’m off to do more important things like play with my new balls (that’s what tb said…I know you might not get that but you’ll find out more about what I mean in the next cartoon). xoxo
