Monday, June 28, 2010

my fav sneeping poses

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Today I thought I would share some of my favorite sneeping poses with you. I have lots but here are a few:

here is me when I was a puppy baby sneeping in my luxury bed (which is now all shredded up)...

here is me in a deep sneep after a FULL day of play (yup that is my snots dried up on my nose, BOL)...

here is how I sneep when I am REALLY pooped. Our fb friends Scooter n' Bella's Mummy says I look like I am climbing the wall,  BOL!!

my most favorite sneeping position though is sneeping with Mummy. Do you think she likes it as much as I do??

Hampton Monroe

Sunday, June 20, 2010

my 9th birfday

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I'm 9 years old today! And I'm so happy that I can celebrate my birfday with Daddy for Daddy's Day! If you didn't know, I'm Daddy's little angel (and I think I'm his favorite but don't tell Hampton or Starbuck that). Daddy said there wasn't any other way he would want to spend his day than to celebrate me (why thanks Dad!).

Mummy made us yummy nom nom pupcakes (which Hampton hogged) and we spent most of the day doing my most favorite thing - playing with t.b.

I wanted to thank all my anipals on twitter and our friends on facebook for wishing me a happy birfday. It worked because I definitely had a happy day!!!!

Loves and kisses,

Friday, June 11, 2010

Harro? Are you there? Its me, Hampton...

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Harro World! Can you see me, is anyone out there?


I just wanted to check that you were out there! That's all!

.....Hey Hampton, who's there? what you looking at??

Thursday, June 3, 2010

rain please wane

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Its been raining for a whole week and this is how I feel about it.

Mummy says to stop being so dramatic about it.

Do you think I look like I'm being dramatic? Anyway, let me know when the rain stops! A full week of sunshine would be nice!
