Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

evil puppybot ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton monroe (beagle)

Dear Dog Blog,

Daddy brought home a present for Mummy the other day. *Sniff sniff, sniff, sniff!* At first we thought it would be something fun for us all...

Then we found out it's a Roomba! Bah!!!!!!!!!!

Mummy was so happy (aka brainwashed!) she decided to call it "PuppyBot". Here she is trying to convince ZuZu to lub it too.

But we know better. We know this "Puppybot" is another form of the evil vaccum. We also know he will be our biggest competitor when it comes to nomming on yummy left over crumbs!!! So we quickly decided to read up on the enemy PuppyBot in our strategy to defeat him!

It got a bit too complicated for me so I let ZuZu try to figure things out while I tried a different strategy.

I dressed myself up in the bow Mummy lubs so much and put myself in the PuppyBot box in hopes that Mummy would realize she doesn't really need PuppyBot. "Hi Mummy! You don't need a PuppyBot! You already have me and I'm cuter!"

Despite my efforts and no matter how cute I looked, Mummy said PuppyBot stays. Boohoo!

Hmmm, I wonder how ZuZu is doing reading up on that manual?

Hampton Monroe

Friday, March 25, 2011

furfriend friday! ♥ dog blog ♥ max (kitty kat)

Its FurFriend Friday!

Our FurFriend this week is a very handsome kitty kat named Max!

Fun Facts about Max: Max was adopted from a shelter and aside from the fact he has to live with Moby (lab) he has been living the good life ever since. Max's favorite activities include sleeping, eating, sleeping, playing with catnip, sleeping and eating!

To see all of Puppy Jones' furfriends to date, click this link: Puppy Jones FurFriend Friday

Share a photo of your FurFriend on our weekly "FurFriend Friday" blog posts! Send an email to grace (at) puppyjones (dot) com with the photo and a fun fact about your fur friend(s).

Sunday, March 20, 2011

CNTM ♥ dog blog ♥ zuzu

Dear Dog Blog,
Some of you may already know I'm a big tomboy and don't like taking pics as much as my beagle brofurs. However, Mummy decided to submit one of my pics to a magazine call-out for dogs like me! I didn't think I would get in but to my surprise they wanted me!! I can't say yet what it is for but will be able to give more details in a few months. Mummy says I'm going to be Canada's Next Top Model (CNTM)! We'll see about that!

We don't have any pics from the actual photo shoot but M&D took some photos of us getting ready for it. They thought it would be cute to dress us up in bows (like they always do) so that we could be extra cute and stylish for the posh photographers, stylists etc. (btw I didn't wear this for the photo shoot, they gave me a special collar). Here are some pics of us:

Hampton and me. I'm practicing my smile. Too much teeth you think?

Is this a good pose and smile?

Hampton and his Zoolander pose! He's good!

Excited but nervous. Away we go!

At the photo shoot it took me a while to settle down. It was the first time in about 2 years that Hampton and I were separated and it was also such a new environment. Daddy said Hampton was howling for me outside and I was worried for him.

During the shoot I forgot what it meant to "wait / stay" and kept jumping of the stage. Then I couldn't stop smiling and the photographer said they needed a shot with my mouth closed! Mummy was sweating and trying to calm me down. BOL! T.B. was there for support too. He was squeaking and coaching me to pay attention. In the end the words "ball" and "park" helped me focus and remember to close my mouth. Go figure!!

Anyway, we'll have to see how it all turns out. Who knows if I'll even end up making the final edit! It was a good experience though and I had fun! Next time I'll have to ask Hampton for more tips on how to pose! BOL!


Update: The photo shoot was for Modern Dog Magazine! See the pics here!

Friday, March 18, 2011

furfriend friday! ♥ dog blog ♥ nellie (springer spaniel)

Its FurFriend Friday!

Our FurFriend this week is a beautiful springer spaniel, Nellie!

Fun Facts about Nellie:
She loves to fetch, catch frisbee's in the air, roll in mud and can open the refrigerator.  Nellie is a happy springer and loves life almost as much as she loves steak.

Nellie is a big big sweetheart. Thank you to Betsy for sharing this photo with us! Nellie also has a twitter account, follow Nellie's tweets @NellieSpringer!!

To see all of Puppy Jones' furfriends to date, click this link: Puppy Jones FurFriend Friday

Share a photo of your FurFriend on our weekly "FurFriend Friday" blog posts! Send an email to grace (at) puppyjones (dot) com with the photo and a fun fact about your fur friend(s).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

wordless wednesday ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton monroe

One of my puppy pics!

Friday, March 11, 2011

furfriend friday! ♥ dog blog ♥ dutch (beagle)

Its FurFriend Friday!
This week we have a special furfriend who is all ready for St. Patrick's Day! Meet Dutch!

Fun Facts about Dutch:
Dutch loves back rubs, marshmallows, and sharing a pizza with his mom (or anyone else who'll give him a slice). His legal name is LJ's Flying Dutchman. Dutch's mum Laur named him that because he used to jump (fly) from the couch to the ottoman to the chair and back to the couch when he was a baby. She speculates he did that because it was easier to get from one piece of furniture to the other by flying across the room instead of jumping up from the floor (beagles are so smart!).

We are thrilled to have Dutch as our furfriend this week! What a cutie! Thank you Laur for sharing this photo with us!

To see all of Puppy Jones' furfriends to date, click this link: Puppy Jones FurFriend Friday

Share a photo of your FurFriend on our weekly "FurFriend Friday" blog posts! Send an email to grace (at) puppyjones (dot) com with the photo and a fun fact about your fur friend(s).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

look what i found ♥ dog blog ♥ zuzu

Dear Dog Blog,
We've been having weird weather the last few weeks. Last week Hampton blogged about our fun times in the snow. And shortly after, it rained and washed all the snow away. Over the weekend we got lots of sun and as I was exploring in our backyard I found a little flower! Do you think spring is finally coming?


Saturday, March 5, 2011

hampton vs. the indestructible toy ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton monroe (beagle)

M&D recently gave me a so called 'indestructible' toy. BRING IT!

Me, assessing the situation:


Getting at it from a different angle:


Round 1: Indestructible Toy: 1, Hampton: 0

To be continued....

xo Hampton

Friday, March 4, 2011

furfriend friday! ♥ dog blog ♥ ducky (springer spaniel)

Its FurFriend Friday!

Our FurFriend this week is a very joyful springer spaniel, Ducky!

Fun Facts about Ducky:
Ducky is a year and half old, and she lives in Ocean Shores, Washington--right on the beach, where she gets to take daily beach and forest runs.  In the summer, she loves to swim in the nearby bay, and all year long, she's quite committed to her stick-carrying duties.  Ducky is crazy about (in no particular order): her momma, her daddy, her treats, her raw food, her toys (especially a knobby squeaky ball that makes a wonderful myriad of sounds), watching dogs on TV (she loved the Puppy Bowl), supervising meal preparation, helping her momma work, and cuddling.  Ducky is the star of The Joyful Springer, and she's a law of attraction life coach and has her own series, The Life is Jusducky Spot (her full name is Woodridge's Life Is Jusducky) on her momma's site, Up From Splat.  Ducky is also a dj on, where she loves to play uplifting songs.  Ducky is happy about absolutely everything and finds a way to make pretty much anything fun.

We are very happy that Ducky is our furfriend this week! Another fun fact about Ducky is that she was practically Hampton and ZuZu's first twitter and facebook friend!

To see all of Puppy Jones' furfriends to date, click this link: Puppy Jones FurFriend Friday

Share a photo of your FurFriend on our weekly "FurFriend Friday" blog posts! Send an email to grace (at) puppyjones (dot) com with the photo and a fun fact about your fur friend(s).

Thursday, March 3, 2011

snows on our nose ♥ dog blog ♥ hampton monroe (beagle)

Dear Dog Blog:
We recently got a major dump of snow. It's probably going to be our last one for the year so we made sure we had lots of fun!

Here we are playing who looks cuter with 'snows on our nose':

Mummy and Daddy say its a tie! What do you think?

We also had fun playing 'snow'ball with t.b. ZuZu was the catcher:

and I was defense:

By then end of the day though I was wet, tired and thinking about summer. I have fun in the snow but I think I'm ready for summer now!
