Friday, May 28, 2010

getting in shape or rather getting jipped?

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Hampton and I made a promise to eachother that we would get in shape for the summer. I said I would work the stairs and he said he would do trampoline jumps.

Here is me doing my exercises. Hampton was making sure I kept my pace and made it to the top.

Unfortunately when it was Hampton's turn, he decided resting under the trampoline was better for him than jumping on it.

Um hello!! What happened to our promise?! What a jip! BOL!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hiking is fun!

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Over the May long weekend Mum and Dad took us out on a hike. We had lots of fun exploring and sniffing all the beautiful smells in the forest. Here are some pics from the day:

 Hurry up Mummy! You're slowing us down!

Can you see us?

 M&D said these are for mountain bikes that come through the trails:

But I think they were made especially for brave dogs like me!

We had a great day hiking and exploring. Can you believe this is all in our backyard? Well...just a few blocks away. M&D promised to take us back again real soon! I can't wait!


Monday, May 17, 2010

chewing shoes today - FAIL!

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Today I was in the mood to chew on some shoes (one of my favorite past times). The tricky thing about chewing shoes though is that for some reason Mummy and Daddy don't like it when I do it. I don't understand why not - they are smelly, good for my teeth and when I do chew on shoes M&D come home with new ones (which they always seem happy about). Anyway, here is how my attempt to chew Daddy's shoes unfolded today:

Here I am trying not to attract any attention. My mouth is in the right position and I am just waiting for the right moment to CHOW DOWN!

UH OH...I think someone is coming...Daddy is calling my name.

I quickly close my eyes to pretend I'm sleeping!

It doesn't work, Daddy has found me out. I try to tell him "Daddy, I'm only using the shoe to rest my head" but he just rolls his eyes at me. Hrrrmmmph!

Ok, Daddy isn't convinced....need to give up on this one (for now)...

1 minute later....

"Oh, hi again Daddy...I'm just resting my head...."

*sigh* Chewing shoes was a FAIL today but there is always tomorrow!

Until then,
Hampton Monroe

Friday, May 14, 2010

food coma

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Have you ever experienced food coma? I'm sure you have! Its when you are soooo satisfied with what you just ate that you go into a deep deep sneep! Well I experienced that today.

Here is me chewing on a nommy meat bone. Nom nom om nommm.....

After I finished chewing on my bone I decided to relax in my favorite chair. Then all of a sudden I could feel the food coma coming on. My eyes started to feel heavier and heavier and I had this overwhelming feeling of satisfaction and comfort. Mummy thought it was funny cause I looked so zoned out.

I don't know what happened after that as one minute my eyes were opened and the next they were closed and then...


Hampton asked me what I was dreaming about in my food coma. I don't remember exactly but I think meat flavored tennis balls were involved. Mmmm....


Monday, May 10, 2010

Tricks for treats!

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I recently blogged about the great time we had with Duke the beagle and his Mummy Hyedie who visited us from Toronto. If you missed it, you can read about it here.

Duke's foster beagle brofur, Petey, wasn't able to make the trip. I would have loved to meet Petey because I wanted to show him some tricks I copied from him. See Petey's video called "Working on 10 Part Behavior Chain with Petey" (Duke and Petey are both amazing beagles and lucky to have a Daddy (Andre) who is a positive reinforcement dog trainer).

Here is me doing two of the tricks (and ZuZu playing ball):

Am I good or what? arrroooooo! Ok I'm not as good or fast as Petey but I'll get there! Especially if treats are involved. I'll do tricks for treats anytime!

What really needs working on though is Mummy's yoga. *whispers* I think Mummy has a tougher time keeping her balance than I do with my tricks! BOL!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

we lub mums!

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This is a special blog post from all three of us. We hope our Mummy and all Mums have a very special day. Mums are the best!  They are always there to cuddle with us, make us yummy nom noms, care for us when we're sick and lub us even when we make mistakes. We lub Mums!

Happy Mum's Day to all Mum's out there! 

Starbuck, Hampton & ZuZu

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥ ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥ ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥ ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

Update Nov 15: We are submitting this post for the anipal photohunt theme #14 - MOM!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

spying on our new neighbour dog!

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For the last few months we have been spying on our new neighbour dog. We nickname him/er Heinz 57 cuz s/he is mixed like me! Our friends on twitter know about Heinz 57 because we been tweeting about wanting to meet him/er.


We hoot, hollar, bark and howl at Heinz 57 but s/he never responds to our calls! We finally got a picture of Heinz 57. Can you see him/er?

Doesn't s/he look sweet and fun? Heinz 57 only seems interested in his/er M&D and chewing on sticks s/he finds in his yard.

Hopefully soon one day Heinz 57 will play with us! Until then, spying continues! We will give you updates as our attempts to befriend him/er continue!

xo ZuZu