Friday, May 14, 2010

food coma

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Have you ever experienced food coma? I'm sure you have! Its when you are soooo satisfied with what you just ate that you go into a deep deep sneep! Well I experienced that today.

Here is me chewing on a nommy meat bone. Nom nom om nommm.....

After I finished chewing on my bone I decided to relax in my favorite chair. Then all of a sudden I could feel the food coma coming on. My eyes started to feel heavier and heavier and I had this overwhelming feeling of satisfaction and comfort. Mummy thought it was funny cause I looked so zoned out.

I don't know what happened after that as one minute my eyes were opened and the next they were closed and then...


Hampton asked me what I was dreaming about in my food coma. I don't remember exactly but I think meat flavored tennis balls were involved. Mmmm....


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