Sunday, August 29, 2010

supersized t.b.

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Today, Daddy brought home a SUPERSIZED t.b. for us! I immediately ran over to ZuZu to show her.

I thought ZuZu would spaz out because of how much she lubs tennis balls and this one is SUPERSIZED! And I was right! She just lubbed it!

We had a lot of fun with SUPERSIZED t.b., we played lots of tug-o-war:

I think playing with a SUPERSIZED toy makes you even more tired than playing with a regular one. After all our playing we ended up having a SUPERSIZED nap. ZuZu was so sneepy she even let me nap with her (a bonus!).

Thank you Daddy for our new toy!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

anipal photohunt #2: PAWTRAITS

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Our pal Cokie the Cat has started a fun anipal photo hunt! The photo hunt is a blog hop for anipals only - each week there is a new theme. Check out the details on Cokie's website! This week's theme features our paws! Here are our 'pawtraits':

ZuZu is all face and paw!

Hampton shows off his artsy sleepy paws in this pawtrait:

And finally, Starbuck who always likes to do things a bit differently:


from all us three,!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

wordless wednesday - hampton and zuzu

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

wordless wednesday - hampton

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Friday, August 13, 2010

update on the neighbour dog!

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I previously blogged about how Hammie and I like to spy on the new neighbour dog aka Heinz 57 (read about it here). Despite all our efforts of howling and whining at her from the window we get no response. Today however, we were out in the backyard and Heinz 57 was in hers too!

Hammie did his best to get her attention:

But it seems that she likes her privacy and had no interest in us. :(

We're not going to give up though! We hope we will be able to win her over someday! Until then, we will have to keep admiring our neighbour dog from afar *sigh*


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

wordless wednesday - Starbuck

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

i heart goofy

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Ok, so when M&D came back from Disneyland they brought back Goofy and Dumbo for me and ZuZu.

We was so excited about our new stuffed toys BUT we soon found out that these are not for shredding! Mummy said something about memories or something and went so far as to hide Goofy from me (I just could not keep my paws off him, can you blame me?)! Anyway, being the super sniffer that I am,  I found Goofy's hiding spot!! Mummy tried to hide him up on top of some boxes but I found him!

 Here is me climbing on top of a shoe rack behind Mummy's golf clubs just to get him:


I thought I was in the clear but then Ruh Roh!...sadly I got caught. Mummy, those aren't my drool stains!

Mummy gave me a short lecture and I promised I wouldn't do it again but 5 minutes is me looking for Goofy again....Hey, where did he go??!!

Until the next adventure,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

wordless wednesday - Hampton Monroe

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Sunday, August 1, 2010


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i've discovered that blueberries are one of my favorite new nom noms!

sniff, sniff, this one is a good one:

the best part of eating blueberries is being fed by mummy (all i need is daddy to fan me and ZuZu to rub my back - where are they? BOL)

slurp, slurp, slurp...

blueberries are da best! nom nom nom...

Hampton Monroe