Sunday, August 1, 2010


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i've discovered that blueberries are one of my favorite new nom noms!

sniff, sniff, this one is a good one:

the best part of eating blueberries is being fed by mummy (all i need is daddy to fan me and ZuZu to rub my back - where are they? BOL)

slurp, slurp, slurp...

blueberries are da best! nom nom nom...

Hampton Monroe


Ducky said...

I've never had blueberries, but now I'm going to get my momma to get some. I like nectarines and oranges and apples and strawberries. Blueberries look like a lot of fun. I hope I look as cute as you do eating them. :)

happyd said...

duke and petey love blueberries too!!

oh and thanks for purchasing a thundershirt. i can't wait to hear how it works out for hammy!!